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11:00 AM and 6:00 PM

7 Bank Street



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Saturday Service - 8th March,  2025, The Free North Church
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Service Guide

Click the button below for this week's Sunday service guide.

What to Expect

On Sundays we meet together to worship God. Our services are a mixture of singing, praying, hearing the Bible read, and hearing it preached (explained in a talk or 'sermon').

Whether you're a Christian looking for a church, just interested in listening in, or someone visiting the city, you're really welcome. If you'd rather just observe what is going on that's absolutely fine, there's no pressure to join in.


You can enter through the main doors on Bank Street or the side door on Church Lane. At either entrance, you'll meet one of our welcome team who will give you a copy of the service guide and a Bible. They can also help  with any questions about the service.

Our services are usually a little over an hour and then we have tea and coffee in the church hall where you can get to know the church family, ask any questions, and find out more about us.



On Sunday mornings, our families usually join with the whole congregation for the first part of the service. We love having the children with us.


There is a creche available in the hall for babies and toddlers throughout the service. You're welcome to leave your child with one of our helpers, but if you would rather stay with your child, the service is shown on a TV so you can still hear what is going on.

The children usually leave partway through the service to go to their Sunday school groups, which happen in the church hall. These groups run for children up to the end of primary school (age 11). The children do a variety of activities, including singing, hearing a Bible story, crafts, and games. For more information, visit our Get Involved page. Our youth tend to stay in the service on a Sunday morning.

On Sunday evenings, we don't have any scheduled activities for younger children but they are really welcome to come and join in with our service. Our Youth Fellowship join us for the first part of the service and then head off to the CYC building (a few doors down) for a Bible study, pizza, and games. For more information, please visit our Get Involved page.


The Free North Church is accessible to wheelchair users and those who have difficulty walking or standing. The side door (on Church Lane) has level access to the church, hall, and all downstairs rooms. If you are at the front door overlooking the river, we will take you to the level access entrance. 

We want our services to be accessible to everyone, if you have any questions about accessiblity then please get in touch.


The Free North is easily reached from all the town centre car parks, and parking is free in most council operated on-street parking spaces on Sundays. The Old Town Rose Street Multi Storey Car Park and the Eastgate Shopping Centre Car Park are two paid parking options.

What to Expect


Most Wednesdays at 7.30pm, we meet for our Church Night in the church building. There will usually be some singing, a short talk and an opportunity to pray together in groups. You're welcome to come and listen in. There is no pressure to pray out loud.

Once a month, we meet in homes across the city to study the Bible together in Home Groups. There won't be a meeting in the church building on these dates. Check our calendar to find out when these groups are on. If you would like to find our more about Home Groups or join a Home Group, please visit our Get Involved page.

We also have other regular events happening across the congregation, including our Guys Group and Ladies' Bible Study. For more information, visit the Get Involved page or check our calendar to see what's happening this week.

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